Our Mission
The mission at Highland View Academy is to inspire and mentor our students to excel in all Christ calls them to do.

The primary objective of Highland View Academy is to help each student personally experience the unconditional love of God through the revelation of His character, the redemption of His Son, and the restoration of His image.

Our Mission
Our mission at Highland View Academy is to inspire and mentor our students to excel in all Christ calls them to do. Our school is dedicated to helping students achieve excellence in academics, spiritual growth, social responsibility, interpersonal relationships, and living a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
"His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine."
Ephesians 3:20

Our Philosophy
Highland View Academy is a coeducational, secondary school operated by the Chesapeake Conference for the purpose of providing quality Christ-centered education.
The primary objective of this school is to help each student personally experience the unconditional love of God through the revelation of His character, the redemption in His Son, and the restoration of His image.
The school endeavors to provide students with a well-rounded educational program that leads students to fully develop their God given talents and use them to serve God and humanity.
The operating board, administration, faculty and staff are fully committed to operating all aspects of the school program in harmony with Biblical principles.